“Cells” article: hPL should be the new standard
Human Platelet Lysate should seriously considered as the new standard
“hPL has favorable properties in terms of ethics and scientific practice and should seriously be considered as a new standard cell culture medium substitute”.
HPL can replace FCS as a protein source
This is only one of the results highlighted in the current academic article ‘Human Platelet Lysate can Replace Fetal Calf Serum as a Protein Source to Promote Expansion and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Bone-Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.’.
Comparison of the performance PL Solution (hPL) and FCS
The peer-reviewed journal ‘Cells’ recently published the study comparing ELAREM™ Perform (former named PL Solution), one of our human Platelet Lysates (hPL), with Fetal Calf Serum (FCS). Researchers from Heidelberg University Hospital evaluated the influence of hPL and FCS on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation capacity of human bone-marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC).
HPL: Three important advantages against FCS
In their study, the authors, Karadjian et al., found that hPL “should seriously be considered as the new standard cell culture medium”.
- HPL provides batch-to-batch consistency
- HPL is free of ethical concerns
- HPL allows for much better traceability than FCS
HPL creates a more physiological milieu of the human body than FCS
The authors point out that “hPL composition creates a milieu closer to the physiological milieu of the human body than FCS does” (See figures 2 & 3).
Population Doubling: HPL outperformes FCS
Another crucial finding, which is in line with numerous prior research results, is that hPL significantly outperforms FCS when it comes to cumulative population doubling which is twice as high in comparison to FCS (See figure 1). Consequently, the authors see hPL as a promising alternative to FCS.
Discover the “new standard cell culture medium” in our online shop: https://www.pl-bioscience.com/products/pl-solution-research-grade/
Read the full ‘Cells’ Article via https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/4/918